Documentary Shorts Series
Catch Theatre for Humans' latest videos designed to provide fast, yet comprehesive information about current issues affecting the world in which we live.
Millions of Women and Girls in Need
This video features the people, music and images from a trip around the world the producers of Theatre for Humans took to document and record stories of human trafficking, rape as a tool of war and the denial of basic human rights from the women and girls who have faced such atrocities and the humanitarians who helped them become survivors.
Afghanistan Moving Forward
Created for the international NGO, Women for Afghan Women, this short film highlights the challenges facing the Afghan people, their unwavering optimism about the future of their country and the need for rest of the world to continue to support them.
Laila's Story
An impactful look at a remarkable girl's struggle to find safety and educational opportunities in Afghanistan with the help and guidance provided by International NGO, Women for Afghan Women.
Women for Afghan Women
A glimpse into the programs that Women for Afghan Women operate in Afghanistan including first hand stories of some of the women who have benefitted from these programs.