Meet one of our creative partners

In the course of doing research and development for our play, we’ve had the good fortune to meet incredible people doing great humanitarian work. Through our association with the United Nations, we were introduced to the Creative Visions Foundation (CVF) and Kathy Eldon. Kathy and her daughter Amy founded this organization with the mission of fostering and aiding artists turned activists who use their talents to shine a spotlight on current social issues. CVF supports these artist/activists through the Creative Activists Program (CAP) so that they can create art that makes a difference. CVF also assists groups like us in fund raising and collecting donations for our projects through their non-profit foundation. Susan and I are proud that Theatre for Humans has been one of the artistic groups selected to participate in CVF. You can check out Theatre for Humans on the Creative Visions Foundation website and make a tax-deductable contribution if you’re inspired to do so.