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Latest NY trip

New York and theatre, what could be better? We just got back from a fun and jam-packed week in the Big Apple. Thanks to Daniela and Jon with UNDPI and UNCCOI, we were able to begin talking to various UN Departments about the cause marketing and “Take Action” campaign that will accompany our play. We met with UN Women, UN Mine Action Services, UN Department of Peacekeeping, UNICEF, UN Office on Drugs and Crime and finally the United Nations Department of Public Information so we could begin preliminary conversations about the role our production could play in highlighting some of their specific initiatives/issues. All meetings went extremely well due in large part to contributions made by Maris Segal, with Prosody Creative Services (our cause marketing guru). Although, we talk to Maris via email and on the phone almost every week, there is nothing better than face-to-face time.

Snacks and drinks with Marsha, wine with Greg (friend and Broadway Costumer), a meet and greet mixer with an anti-slavery NGO and a “state of the state” with our General Manager, Carl rounded out our week. Happy to report that we should have a first complete draft of the play in about a month! And the play about the giant imaginary rabbit was fun too!

As the saying goes, all good things come to an end, and so our time in New York is over. After a seemingly unending flight, we are back in L.A. and ready to start laying the groundwork that will carry us back to NYC in mid-October. Thanks to everyone for making this “quick” trip so rewarding.

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